Today has been pretty much one of those days. Ie. A typical bloody Monday. I'm traveling for work again, after a three week post-vacation vacation, and lord are things off to a bad start. But instead of focusing on the negative, I am going to focus on the positive. My visit this morning got canceled at the last minute (ie after I'd already gotten up at 6am to catch my train - and it also means I'll have to make another trip back to Bretagne in the coming weeks). But at least it left me with a morning free, so I decided to go visit a site I'd been wanting to visit for several years now - La Roche aux Fées.
The other good thing about me being gone this week is that C is also gone. Like I've previously mentioned, he's a fonctionnaire. Last month, he applied for an intensive English training course being offered by his department. It is highly competitive - it is available to everyone in that particular department all over France (from peons up the top guns). All of the applicants have to take an entrance test and only 17 participants are accepted country-wide. So I was really proud to find out that not only was he accepted for it, but he actually got the highest score out of everyone! Which I find funny since we speak in French 90% of the time - but like your average French person, he is very good at reading & writing in English, but lacks a little in the speaking department. I guess I'll find out Friday night just how useful his stage d'anglais was!
PS. Excuse any typos - it is currently 8°C in my hotel room and my fingers are frozen (the owners apparently decided it was not worth turning the heat on for just one lodger).
Think I'd find another
Apparently you have never tried to find a hotel in small-town France - or you would know that they are often few and far between (and usually leave a lot to be desired when it comes to creature comforts - such as heating or cleanliness *ahem*).
Just a thought - have you considered looking for gîtes when you're traveling for work?
Yep, of course I have. But the problem with gîtes in Bretagne is that they are all concentrated in the touristy regions (ie. not where my clients are located). And they usually only rent from Saturday to Saturday - though many aren't even available during the winter months because they rent them out long-term from Oct-Apr (like fab & I did). Plus the large majority don't have internet, which I need for work. Not to mention that you have clean them pretty well the morning you leave, & I tend to leave fairly early.
He is sensitive AND clever. Romance and conversation is a great combo.
Things will warm up soon enough!
If you can't stay in a gite, how about a chambre d'hote? I have stayed in a few really nice ones... and you can stay just for one or two nights if that is what's requried.
I've tried those too, but since most are run by older French couples, I still run into the no Internet problem. Half the time when I ask them if they have it, they're like "wi what??" and just think I can't speak French!
how interesting the travails of your work re: hotels. I had no idea this situation existed, but the reality sounds like a quality-of-life bad deal! i suppose one can't exactly tote a heater on trains, huh?! no wonder you sigh about the travel in that region...
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