It cracks me up that any time my (women-only) gym has any kind of celebration or "pot", they always fill the table up front full of CRAP. They put out all kinds of pop, fake juice, cookies, candy & chips. There is never a single healthy thing on the table. And now they have a sign up in the club saying they will offer a bouquet of chocolate flowers to anyone who recommends a new member.

I think your supposition on their thinking is probably correct.
Is it one bouquet per recommendation? Or do they have to join? Or is it only one bouquet period? If it's the first, Dude, I've got a whole list of names! And I'd be willing to share the chocolate :°)
There used to be a café inside my parents' gym and it was located between the locker rooms and the exercise machines and it would always smell like bacon. and ham. and they had a case full of meaty sandwiches and wimpy salads straining under mountains of cold cuts. It was incredibly evil and I know they did it on purpose.
Hahaha I love it! You'd never see that at a gym here!
Although junk food given at a gym would be a good way to convince me to go!
I vote for the latter :).
Are people also smoking while pedaling on the exercise bikes? Shots of wheat grass infused vodka? I might consider joining a gym if these were perks.
Oh my, is that a Butterfinger wrapper I see there?
Half of my tennis team stand around smoking during matches, and when I arrived for my 10k last month, they handed me a bottle of wine at registration!
I kind of like the way the French don't tend to get too fanatical about fitness. Makes a change from California!
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