I had an absolutely fabulous day-after-my-birthday-night last night - this is hands down the best birthday I've had in years. Once again, I'm so grateful to have met such wonderful people here. I met up with K&K and crew last night again after work and can I just say that they rock??? I also finally met Doc & her hubby - they joined us at the bar after their Moulin Rouge outing. Ironically enough, the bar we went to is the only bar I've been to since moving to Paris - I ended up there one night with Yuri & Kendra and had no clue where it was - but it just happened to be the one Katia suggested!
And, they bought me presents. PRESENTS, people! I wasn't expecting any, it was already enough that they were willing to go out and celebrate with me. But they're really cool presents at that: a couple of Paris-related books, some mint m&m's (which really do taste like thin mint girl scout cookies), my very own set of magic pens (!!!) and an awesome birthday card:
I also got a crown. A CROWN!! Which, according to the attention it brought from the Frenchies, I am considering wearing every night I go out. And I actually met a cute Frenchie who had studied abroad in Cottage Grove, MN off all places. He was a university professor, but he unfortunately did not live in Paris, so he got crossed of this list - I don't need any complicated long-distances things right now. I also met a really nice guy while walking home and *briefly* considered either going home with him or inviting him up to chez moi, but eventually decided against it since I'm not a one-night stand kinda girl.
Sounds like it was a great night! I just want to say again how happy I am that things are going so well for you. Every time I read a post on here I'm smiling hugely (hugely smiling?)!
That book arrived for you so I'll be able to give it to you next Saturday at Leesa's picnic.
Wow, looks like you guys did have a fabulous time! I'm so sorry I missed out... I promise you, I really wanted to be there, but the whole craziness of the week had crept up on me and I was literally exhausted last night -- my feet were killing me! And I just don't know if I would have been much fun... I dreaded getting back on public transportation, and admittedly that's one of those times when the trek back to my place gets a bit daunting...
I'm feeling a bit better today, so I'm considering going to the book reading tonight -- are you going to be there?! :-)
WOW!! It looks you guys had a FANTASTIQUE time... Isn't is FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN to celebrate your b-day?? With all different sets of friends, you can have many a party... There was a time when I would tell everyone a month before my b-day arrived.. Just to prepare them all.. THEN... I would celebrate for the month.. Hey.. BirthDAY... Birthday MONTH... Same difference!! It's more fun, too.. Cuz you just can't see everyone at one party.. So, you just keep making plans with different people or your friends will plan things for you... Lunches, movies, evenings out... dancing.. The possibilities are endless... esp. with your crown.. Great idea.. You guys at ROCK!!! Glad you had a wonderful time, Sam.. and yeh.. milk it awhile.. He doesn't have to know where you are.. Live it up!! Ciao, Leese
Argh. I missed this for parenting?
"Funny" thing at last night's end of year spectacle? A parent got arrested for hitting one of rec center staff (who was sent to the hospital) because the rec center staff person was apparently insolent when the father told him to turn off his portable phone because it kept ringing....
Dudes.... wow.
But then.... I once saw two MOTHERS try and tear each other's hair out in front of the school when school was let out once. No idea what that fight was about.
Your evening would have been much more amusing
How cool! I'd definitely say let Fab stew in it for a long while and don't let him know how much you are enjoying yourself... Glad you were taken out for a great time, just what you need! And see the guys are all over you. ;-)
Ha ha I wonder if K-mart knows he sent you an sms!
Sounds like Friday night was a riot! I can't wait to hear about last night! :)
Yeah!!! I am happy your life is turning out to be one incredibly good time. You deserve it. And dang girl, you got all the boys running after you, I am impressed. ;-)
I'm so glad you had a fun time, doll. We're so glad you're here! :D
i vote we have erica give us the internet address for the tiara and we ALLLLLL wear them out next time. (except for the muffin man).
Don't write to Fab! Let him wonder where you are and what you're doing! It will absolutely drive him nuts! What fun!
Have a wonderful life in Paris. I'll check in on your blog!
You go girl! []
Cindy (married to a Breton) in NE
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