Is she or isn't she?
First of all, I have to say that you guys cracked me up with your comments yesterday, and I definitely needed that after a long work week. Secondly, I have to say that I was almost thinking about not doing a April Fool's Day prank this year. After what I wrote two years ago and then last year, I wasn't quite sure what there was left to write about. Now on to the post...
For those of you who were asking for photographic evidence, I give you the temporary ring C proposed with. I "forgot" to post a photo of it on purpose, just to throw you guys off. Cuz I'm sneaky like that.

So yes, I am happy to announce that we really are engaged and C really did propose during my surprise boat trip. But it was the night before we went to the US, and then we had to come home and pack for our flight, so I didn't really have time to announce it to many people. Plus I wanted to tell my family first. And then once we were over there, things were so darn hectic that I didn't have time to write a proper post about it. And then I realized April Fool's Day was quickly approaching and that this would make a good story to double-cross y'all.
So voila, you have the truth! Now hopefully we really do live happily ever after... :)
Labels: April Fools, Franco-American weddings
Aww I'm so happy for you Sam!!!
I KNEW that's what the valentine's surprise would be! CONGRATS!
What wonderful news - congratulations, best wishes and all that!
I am so very happy for you!
CONGRATULATIONS! Your ring is gorgeous and you look very happy! Best of luck to you both :-)
Yay! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you two. All the very best, you deserve it.
Awesome! I'm so happy for you :-)
Ah ah ! Félicitations !
Congratulations! About to celebrate our 20th.
That is really nice and you are a lovely couple. He sounds like a great guy and I am happy for you.
Wonderful. Love marriage, we celebrate 35 years in May.
Well, you got me! Best wishes for a long and happy life together. It's very gratifying to see you looking forward to a life you want after having witnessed the darker preceding times, now a memory. Good for you for carving out the life you want.
Congratulations! Beautiful ring...
I thought maybe it was a way to announce it so that nobody would believe it at first.
Can't believe you have a dress already. Have fun with planning! (and I think that is the first picture you have posted of him)
Congratulations! And what an awesome April Fool's Day reverse joke!!
Wonderful....I am so happy for y'all and glad to have met both of you in make a great couple.
WHAT?! I'll admit, you totally got me. Maligne! The rings (both of them) are totally gorgeous. Congrats, to both of you!
I suspected it was real, but I'm enough of a fool in real life without adding to it on the internet. (Wait, I do that, too...)
Congratulations!!! You both look so happy, and the rings are gorgeous!!! I love the one you designed--I also designed my own ring, and it makes it extra special to have something that's truly "you".
Can't wait to see a photo of the dress. ;-)
Well consider me double-crossed! Am delighted to hear such happy news. Love to you both! xxx
OMG, Ksam! This is SO exciting! Congrats, love. I am so SO encouraged and inspired by your story... dreams can come true! Sigh :)
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both. C is such a lucky guy to have found you. He sounds like he's pretty special too. I'm so glad that you are living such a wonderful romantic story now, after all the crap you've had to deal with. The rings are beautiful, and I can't wait to see the dress and hear more details. Wonderful news! Congratulations! Keep us posted about all the details!
I'm so glad it's true. Everytime you posted in the last year I was hoping that would be your news.
OMG!! That's so freakin' fantastic!!!!!! You and C make a gorgeous couple. I'm happy for you!
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Congratulations! Your rings are beautiful.
Yay! That's the best not April Fool ever!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Have to say I'm happy about the double cross, you trickster you. The ring is beautiful, and you make a very handsome couple. Best wishes to you both.
Chere Samantha, toutes mes felicitations, en plus c'est un Francais ! Yuppi ! Je suis super contente pour toi. Can I say that soon, you will be "totally frenched in" ?
CONGRATS! That's super exciting and that's a gorgeous ring :)
I knew the boat trip story should have ended in something shiny, but I definitely thought you were winding us up yesterday! Congratulations!
I bought my dress in the US as well and we put it in the biggest vacuum space bag we could find and ended up being able to fold it into half of my carry-on once all the air was sucked out of it.
Did you stick to tradition and keep it hidden from him??
The ring is gorgeous, so cool that you designed it yourself!
I knew it! Even with it being April Fools, I wasn't doubting it. (All the posts you do about how cute C is, his mistakes in English, etc? proof that you are completely smitten.)
The ring is really really lovely, by the way.
Congratulations, we celebrate 37 years in June. Have you set the date yet?
Wow, that's huge news! I had a feeling that's what happened on V Day, but you're a sneaky one so I wasn't sure. I'm so happy for you, you really do deserve a happy ending.
Congratulations! The ring you designed is beautiful!
There is one thing that made me wonder if maybe it was true: your orginal post about your boat tour had no pictures of the Eiffel Tower which I found quite odd given your love of the "Dame de Fer". So I thought maybe? But then again it was April 1st.
So we get to see the gentleman too, he's quite cute I have to say. And you do look very happy and far more relaxed than any of the last picture as saw you in.
So to the two of you Félicitations. Have fun planning the French wedding, may you find great support in each other for years to come and have the marriage you diserve. The wedding after all is only the beginning.
Can I just say that, as well as being delighted for you, I'm incredibly impressed by your organisation (both having a dress already and setting up your April fool)?!
Congratulations! I did suspect you had forgotten to mention a little something about your Valentine's Day excursion.
What a lovely romantic future husband you have.
Live happily ever after. :)
Congrats! Thought I'd add it here as well! Beautiful ring!
Forgot to say - divine ring.
Ok, NOW I believe you!! Whee!!! Congratulations!
Congrats Sam, best wishes to you & C!!
NO WAY!!! I love it! You totally had me! great rings! autumn, spring or summer wedding?! cograts!!
congratulatuions!!!! your ring is beautiful & you make a gorgeous couple :)
Congratulations! What a splendid ring! Wishing you all the best for a long and happy cross-cultural life together.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! You two look so happy. And so adorable! I want to kiss you both, even if it is overstepping boundaries seeing as we've never met. But I really am happy for you and hope you do live happily ever after.
Congrats!!!!! Wishing you a beautiful marriage! Even though I've never met you, I've been following your blog for a long time & feel so happy for you :)
Congrats! Your ring is beautiful! I have been following your blog for a long time very happy for you!
I have followed you for quite some years now, always silenty, all they way through that horrid ordeal with F, and I am sooo glad to read this news. Even though I don't know you, I am still very very happy for you! Congratulations!!
Are you going to get married in a chateau? With ducks wandering?
Congratulations. I wish you all the joy being stuck in France for life. Oh wait ...
No just kidding. And I do love your new ring - it's so pretty and delicate. My husband asked my friends luckily or I would have ended up with a modern ring that looked like a UFO.
Congratulations! C seems like a great guy and you certainly deserve that. It's really nice to put a face to the blog...thanks for the pictures!
Congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous and that proposal story is so romantic. Best wishes to the both of you!
Congrats Sam!!
Did someone say bubbles? When are we toasting!!
Very nice double-crossing. I agree the rings are lovely and you all look very happy together. Best of luck!
Congratulations to the two of you! So happy to read this wonderful news. You make a beautiful couple and the ring is simply gorgeous! Can't wait to find out about your wedding plans :))
Thanks for all of your comments everyone!! I could never have made it to this point today without all of your help & support over these past few years!!
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