I am getting very excited - this weekend, I finally get to use my Christmas present from C - a weekend in a château!
We will be staying in the "chambre du chevalier":

Does that not look like the perfect place to celebrate our upcoming nuptials?
Yep, you read that right.
C proposed last night and for once, I decided to just throw caution to the wind and go for it. Enough with all the thinking and the analyzing. The timing is perfect too because we just bought tickets to the US for June, and I figure we might as well just do it then so my family can attend. I've never seen myself spending as the kind of girl who spends a whole year planning a wedding, so it couldn't be more perfect actually. Just give me a fancy dress and I'll be happy!
Yep, you read that right.
C proposed last night and for once, I decided to just throw caution to the wind and go for it. Enough with all the thinking and the analyzing. The timing is perfect too because we just bought tickets to the US for June, and I figure we might as well just do it then so my family can attend. I've never seen myself spending as the kind of girl who spends a whole year planning a wedding, so it couldn't be more perfect actually. Just give me a fancy dress and I'll be happy!
Labels: April Fools, Châteaux
WOW! Best wishes!
Sometimes, when it's right, it's right and that's all you need to know.
I was wondering if we might hear an announcement like this ... warmest best wishes for a happy, long life together.
I hope it's not an April Fools joke as I've already been caught off guard once today by my husband.
Poisson d'avril.
Congratulations! How wonderful!
Don't know if this is a poisson d'avril, but if it's not congrats!
Are you pulling a milkjam on us???? ;)
april fool! i still remember how many people got sucked into your poisson about you getting back with Fab. Nice try, can do better. B-
OMG OMG OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo excited I just yelled at the computer!!!!!
OH SHIT!!! I hope you're NOT pulling my leg like this.. If sooooo -- YOU GOT ME!!!
If not, I keep my Congrats in tact to the two of you... AND.... if it's NOT now... than it will be soon...
SHIT!! Now, I have to know!!!!!
I call BS! Poisson d'avril ! :)
Beautiful news! Your journey has lead to this, wonderful!
*hates April Fool's day*
poisson d'avril...I think...you've been known to celebrate this day in the past. Hmmm
Congrats! I did a sort of 'quickie' wedding as well, way back when, planning the whole thing in 5 weeks. The biggest hurdle for us was getting the priest to squeeze our wedding in- since most people plan their weddings years ahead of time we ended up doing it friday evening. Otherwise I was just worried about finding a dress. My mom picked me up at the airport and we went straight to the Bridal Boutique at Marshall Fields (RIP) in downtown MSP. I told them to bring me anything that I could buy and take home with me that day. Everything else just fell into place. As my sister says, an engagement is supposed to be a short-term thing, not a stage of life.
Haha! Nice one! In any case, maybe the non-April Fool's version is just around the corner...? ;)
ahhh, you totally got me (and i didnt fall for it last year).
I call your bluff. Why would C propose last night, instead of during your romantic vacation in Egypt? Guys aren't THAT hollow-minded. :)
First thought: Congrats!
Reading comments: Oh drat, maybe it is an April Fool's joke.
LOL @katia: a "milkjam" love it!!!
bravo ksam, that was indeed a very good milkjam ;-)
Castle partay: vrai
Wedding bells: faux
You totally are pulling a MilkJam!! (but if you aren't, umm, I meant to say congrats!)
As the Montrealers say
Awesome chateau though, hope you're actually going there!
You cad. That was a good try, really!!
You got me with your Fab post before, too, so i was ready for this one.
Totally poisson d'avril. Heh.
First thought - wow congratulations, I'm so happy for you!
Second thought - damit I've been fooled again (friend implied she was pregnant on Facebook).
Third thought - won't we all feel mean and horrible if indeed it is true.
Either way, have a great break away!
That was a good one! Really, really good haha
Not falling for the proposal bit. But the castle looks fabulous! Wow! I've always wanted a canopy bed. Uber romantic getaway! How nice that C likes to travel.
*cries* wah! you said i was the only one for you at the wine salon. (or maybe that was the wine talking!)
I was SO excited and happy for you. Now am doubting our friendship, lol!
Antipo dahling, obviously if it had been true, you would have been the FIRST to know!
Bad Sam!
But what an adorable chateau!
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Oh my gosh! Congrats! I saw you two at Episode 333 and Juliet's BBQ, but I didn't want to impose...but yay, congrats! That's so exciting. Wow... been following your blog for years and am so happy to see how things have turned around for you. So amazing!
We tried to reserve that room, but they were all booked! It looks so fun! I hope you had a great time!
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