La grande transformation
I haven't posted any photos of me for a long time now 1) because I'm really unphotogenic and 2) I was worried about people I know finding my blog. But since this blog is semi-private (and I figure it'd be pretty hard to not recognize me from my writing now), I'm just gonna go for it. So here's a before picture at the salon, all washed out from the bright lights:

PS. I scheduled my LASIK surgery for the end of July, and can't wait to be glasses-free. I'm just not a glasses person...
I like it!
I had Lasik almost 3 years ago and love it!! It's amazing how you quickly notice the difference...Enjoy!!
Great haircut! How nice to *meet* you :)
Nice! Very sleek.
Awesome!!!! you look great!!! New haircut, new life in Paris, new you - things are going to be great Sam! Big hugs!!
LOVE the haircut. It looks really chic and really suits you.
Oooh nice! I love it!!!
Love your new do! It is a wonderful change.
good luck with Lasik. Wish I were brave enough to do it.
very flattering. It really looks fantastic!
Ooh, very nice! So chic! It's always nice to switch it up and make changes from time to time. I likey!!
dude sam that cut is HOT. i can't wait to see it en vrai!!
You look beautiful. You are such a pretty girl, Sam. Love the cut/color. I just showed it to my husband (who is a top stylist - ha!) and he said it looks great and looks like a good cut. And you know, he is a "picky" French man!
How could your mom not notice - it looks like a total makeover?!
YES! New hairstyles are fun. Looks good.
WOW Sam, what a transformation! I LOVE the new sleek look -- it really suits you. Of course I was just thinking that you looked great in the first pic, so that look suited you quite well too. But this makes for a great new you!
In any case, lucky you on the Lasik surgery plans too -- I SO wish I could do that! Maybe one day...
new hair always posits a huge psychic change. you look fabulous! and the parisians will be eating out of your hand!
Super chic!! Love the hairstyle, and it really suits you :) How could your mum not notice the change?? lol...
Anyway, nice to finally "meet" you :)
Cute! You look very Paris chic. :)
You're very pretty Sam and it looks really good.
To Cute! It's about time you did something for yourself.
wow, you look fantastic! the new cut is perfect. new cut, new beginnings...
Nice to put a face to the writing finally! The haircut is great and really suits you. You probably won't stay single for long. : )
Good luck in Paris!
You look incredible!! :)
PS: I do like your photo much better sans the glasses - you look very pretty AND photogenic! - so good luck with the Lasik! I have contacts but they are a pain for swimming, when you're sick or tired, on vacation, etc. But I am too much of a wimp to go for it and get the laser procedure done. Are you doing it in France or the US?
I love your haircut!
ahhhh i love it sam!
Looks great!
Dear Samantha,
You look, quite simply, stunningly beautiful with your new look-- although, curiously, it is how I have always seen you in my mind.
I am sending you a link:
to a YouTube video of Charles Aznavour singing "Il Faut Savoir."
I want to invite you to take the time--with a glass of wine, in a dark room, with no interruptions--to listen to it & listen to it & listen to it again. I would not necessarily even watch the video. It's the lyrics and their musical support that are significant.
That one song got me through a prostate cancer diagnosis with my husband--fear, painful tests, more books on the subject, in French & English, than you would ever want to read, a French tour of urologists, an American laproscopic radical prostatectomy, a long convalescence, years of post-op blood tests and doctors visits, and my own three year stomachache over it all.
It's a bit of an anthem to coping with the intolerable. Persisting in spite of pain.
Be sure to exercise due diligence researching your LASIK procedure. There has been a lot of litigation related to the issue of extreme "dry eye" post-surgically.
You only have one set of eyes and if they do not "hurt" you, proceed with extreme caution before doing anything that is irrevocable and rooted in simple vanity, aesthetics, or convenience.
The right pair of glasses can be very sexy, especially when worn by a confident, intelligent, enthusiastic, well-groomed, well-coiffed woman. And glasses are replaceable, as eyes are not.
I am only making this point because I suffer from dry eye syndrome totally unrelated to LASIK and I would not wish it on anyone, so I have been sensitized to that issue related to LASIK surgery.
I hope you like the song and that you get out and show off your beauty right away. By the way, mothers can be highly preoccupied. My quasi mother never called me at all while Le Framéricain was in France for 28 days straight!
From a hairdressers point of view....absolutely stunning...
btw, i'm rushing this photo to math:) heheheehhe muahhhahahhaha....
Wow! You look fabulous! Great new 'do!
WAOUUUUUUU!!!! Tres chic et tres BELLE!!! My hubby says you look great and there is an absolute difference!!! You go GIRL!!!!!!
Good luck with the Lasik!!!
Looking great, Sam !
You can advance in beauty ;)
Oh Sam it looks SO GOOD!! I love it! But you have to stop saying your not photogenic or I'm gonna have to slap you around when we finally meet!! ;)
vivi, apparently you have not seen the majority of my facebook photos. i need like 500 takes before i get one where i'm not looking like a freak, lol!!
Wow. You look stunning, what a great haircut.
Just finished catching up on your new blog (leave it to FWaB to come up with the greatest name!) and had to say I ADORE YOUR HAIR! Très jolie, toi! There is nothing like a new "do" to lift the spirits.
Give a shout when you get to Paris.
hey sam - love the hair - much more modern and young.
Sam, you are very jolie!
Beautiful! Work it girl! Careful...I know an acupuncturist who now wears 2 pairs of glasses on top of each other after Lasik surgery.
Gorgeous and totally photogenic!
Wow, great haircut! Great another beautiful blond in Paris while I am stuck in Chalon, I need to move!
hehe... seriously it looks great. Time to enjoy being yourself again... go out and have a great time in Paris and you will see that everything does happen for a reason.
Enjoy your time at home! You are missing some great weather here.
Sam, you look fabulous! I love the hair transformation.
Jeez'um crow Sam ! You are now officially a "hottie" ! Well done !
You've inspired me to visit the salon soon ....
Wowwwww you look fantasssssstic! That haircut is really, really you!
When I go through break-ups I normally go to the hairdressers and change my look too, it does a whole lot of good and gives you a great confidence boost!
Anyway, you look stunning, just watch out for all those Parisian men when you get there, because you'll be batting them away with a big stick!
You look fantastic! Is it blown-dry and flat-ironed and all that, or does it just fall that way? I guess I mean, is it high maintenance? It looks soooo pretty.
A great look, and one that'll be just right for Paris. Very stylish!
Just beautiful Sam!
You look great!
Uh, not photogenic?
Your new do looks great. The two tone dye job can look good if it's done well and yours looks like it was done very well.
This is the first time I've seen YOU! I've always known you as your big pretty blue eye. Nice to see you, Sam.
I love the hair cut. You look so great. Think that you may need to schedule lasik for mother. How could she not notice?
You look fabulous, darlin'!!!!
It's a great pleasure to FINALLY meet you! Good luck with the LASIK surgery.
Maybe your Mom didn't notice your new "do" because she needs glasses???
YOu look so sassy! I love this!
You look gorgeous! Very Parisienne.
Love the new style. You're gorgeous!
oh i just adore it. i'm getting ready to chop off (and highlight) my hair too...
Love the new haircut, it makes you look your age and you'll fit in Paris no problem with it!
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