Lord, I have no shame - I spent the night dancing with a boy (no, really, he was a BOY - I can't even call him a man. But in my defense, pretty much everyone was either under 20 or over 40). Look at him though, he's just a baby:
I'm quite surprised by how the night turned out though - I figured it was going to be some stuffy dinner and we'd be out of there by 9, but we didn't end up leaving until almost 4:30am. Those bourgeois really let loose once the alcohol starts flowing! And man, was it good alcohol - there were just endless bottles of champagne à volonté. (And you guys all know my weakness for champagne).
When things started winding down, the poor kid asked if he could "accompany" me back to my place, and I said "Sorry, the only person accompanying me back is Yuri. Besides, that's probably illegal in half of the states in the US". He tried to convince me that he was just at his sexual peak, but I could only laugh and say "I'm sorry kid, you're just a baby". But I also think that's why I enjoyed myself so much - there was no pressure. I didn't have to worry about being particularly funny or interesting or sexy - I could just let go and have fun. But he was really sweet, telling me I was beautiful and always trying to hold my hand and stuff - you gotta give him credit for trying. Plus, it's the first male contact I've had in like two months now, and I have to admit it felt nice to have a warm (and toned) body to dance with. And like Yuri said, I probably danced more last night than I have in my entire life!
There were times though when I felt like I was in a twilight zone - these people live in a whole different world than the one I knew back in Bretagne. Living in the countryside, I often forgot about how there was still a whole upper class of French people, with old money and fancy homes and where names still matter. It was just a really odd to think about going from living in the middle of nowhere in the gîte and all of the sudden finding myself in a super nice hôtel with chandeliers and people wearing clothes that probably cost more than what I make in a year. But still, give me that over a field of cows any day! So now I just need to find myself a nice little bourgeois boy, one who has a vacation home in Provence and the Alps and who can whisk me off to London at a moment's notice. *S*
Labels: Dating and Mating
who's wedding????
can you make a close up of that picture??:)
I'm soooo happy happy for you, you deserve this!!!!!!! I can't tell you how sincere I am with that!!
A friend of mine (a fellow Minnesotan who used to live in Brittany) married a Parisian on Saturday, so that's who's wedding it was.
And I think if you click on the picture, it'll zoom in, LOL.
Anytime lady!!! And by anytime, I mean not until I find some more comfortable heels ;) Seriously though I had a blast this weekend, too. Hugs!! I miss you already!!
WOW!!! Sounds like it was a blast!! How fun for you guys!! Hey,I clicked on the pic and they guy DOES indeed look young.. Hey.... fresh!!! I am guilty, too!! heeheee... We can swap stories, although I already know your now!! I used to always ask to see a guys DL because in Cali the guys were young, but looked a bit older.. Good for you for having some fun!! Eat it up... Consider that your "Welcome to Paris."
I figured that if YOU at your extremely young age were comparing yourself to Mrs. R, that the guy must be barely legal!
Glad you had fun. And as the old saying goes: how're you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paree?
Don't count out kids. I remmember at age 14 falling for my Uncle's girl friend. She was nineteen at the time. Long story short, we married eight years later and that was forty six years ago.
Get 'em young and train 'em right...
Or just have fun!
you go, girl.
When I was closer to your age I remember thinking a 21 year old was SOOOo young...now that I'm a older a 21 IS young...but I've also realized that age sometimes doesn't matter. You can be close to someone for who they are not what year they were born. Have fun!! Enjoy!! He's a cutie pie!!
He's a cutie, that young'un. Go Sam!
Glad you are enjoying yourself sipping champagne and dancing the night away in Paris. As Kim said, you definitely deserve it!
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