After trying on what felt like hundreds of dresses, I finally found two I really liked (and that fit me - because those two don't always go together, lol). I preferred this one, but it had a bunch of netting under the skirt, so it didn't fold up well. Room in my suitcase is extremely limited and considering that I'll be living out of it until the end of the month, I just figured it wouldn't be very practical to lug a dress like that around for the next few weeks. Nor would I have a steamer available before the wedding to get all the wrinkles out. But it was really pretty and springy!
So I went with this one, which was still flattering, but will fold up a lot nicer and take up a lot less room:

PS. Judy - I ended up making this blog only semi-private because I ran out of invitations for people, so you should be able to subscribe to it now. I just checked on bloglines and it shows up on there, so it should be fine for Google Reader or whatever feed reader you use!
OmGGGGGGG that dress is stunning.
I want!
Omg Cooool I was the first to comment! I rock.
x x x x x x
I have that same dress (the second one), except it's a cream color in the middle instead of pink. It fits really well. Good choice!
Yea! Now i can keep up without having to rely on my memory!
Both of those dresses are pretty; i totally understand the suitcase space thing, though. Stupid suitcases. You know, i really don't understand why we don't have teleportation capability yet like on Star Trek. It would make life so much easier...
Cute choices!
Ooh, I like the second one!! Nice and flowy and less heat-inducing than the first one, so it has my vote!
I don't know what your body type is like, but I would say that the second dress is probably more flattering for most women, and that the first one works better if you have a scrawny man-body such as yours truly.
Whose dresses are they? (I mean the brand)
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