My co-workers got me good last night.
My boss always tries to organize our annual training week to coincide with one of my trips to the US, and we usually finish off the week with a team-building activity. Since it was so nice out, he decided that this time, we would all go outside and play wiffle ball. I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turned out to be a fantastic afternoon, topped off with happy hour drinks and apps courtesy of The Company.
Earlier in the week, one of my co-workers had suggested doing a pre-4th of July get-together Thursday night since it was my last night, and told me to invite some of the guys. Everyone was giving me a really wishy-washy response though, and I was kind of bummed that no one really seemed excited about coming out for my last night in town. My cousin & his wife were going to be in the area, so I figured at least they would come. We'd told people to come out around 7pm, and my co-worker kept me busy making cheese & sausage plates and blowing up balloons. I thought she was going a bit overboard since no one could really make it, but figured oh well, if that's how she wants to do it....until I brought it all outside and saw about 30 people sitting there. Apparently she'd been planning it for the past 10 days, and had told everyone to say they were busy.
There were decorations everywhere, and most of them were black - since when is 30 considered over the hill? We all had a good time though, and they all got me good - especially when everyone brought out a box of mac & cheese - one box for each year of my life.
Labels: Minnesota
I've heard people say they just bring back the seasoning mix inside. I've loved reading about your trip home. I don't comment very often, but I always pop by to see what's happening with you.
Oh, and your putting off buying an apartment for now sounds like a wise decision. Not that you need advice from me. :-)
Happy Belated Birthday, Sam!
You could always mail the mac-n-cheese back. Make packages of two or three boxes, give a package to 15 or 10 friends, and have them mail the boxes to you at intervals, say every month?
dude you could sell that Kraft Dinner on the expat black market for like 4 euros a box...although I think it's illegal to bring so much powdered cheese into know how they are with their fromage.
Sounds like a fun party..I hope 30 brings you everything you hope for :)
Sounds like fun.
I found a store that sells just the Mac&Cheese powder, by the pound, but they don't ship overseas.
As to how to get it back, you could take out the cheese packets and bring those only. The pasta is pretty standard.
How cool, Sam! You are obviously sooo loved! Hope it was a great party. Not sure I could do Kraft macaroni and cheese after all these years, but may Velveeta macaroni and
happy belated. It's been a while since I've dropped in... Seems like things are going well altogether!
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