The other day, I headed to Rennes for a tradeshow. It was the first time I'd been to such a big one, so I was just kind of walking around getting my bearings when I saw someone I knew across the room.
I was sitting there, thinking "Man, which one of my customers does that guy work for?"
Until I realized it was one of the farmers from "L'amour est dans le pré".
They were there to participate in a forum held by the radio station "France Bleu Armorique". I didn't get to listen to the session because I was there to schmooze with my customers after all, but here were some of the topics discussed:
Est-ce si difficile de rencontrer l'âme soeur chez nous en Bretagne?
Avez-vous réfléchi longtemps avant de tenter l'aventure?
Comment cette idée a t elle était perçue par votre entourage?
Cette aventure a t elle toujours été agréable à vivre, ou y a t il eu des moments difficiles?
Comment avez-vous réagi le jour où vous avez appris que vous aviez été sélectionné?
Aviez-vous fait d'autres tentatives, annonces, speed-dating, site de rencontres sur Internet?
Is it really that difficult to meet one's soul-mate in Bretagne?
Did you think about it a long time before deciding to sign up for the show?
How did your friends/family feel about it?
Was it a 100% positive experience, or where there also some difficult moments?
How did you react when you found out you had been selected?
What have you done in the past to find love (ads, speed-dating, dating websites)?
The interview can be found here (in French of course), if anyone would like to listen to it.
Labels: Dating and Mating, TV, Working girl
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