This post is for all the ladies out there - what's your take on heart-shaped jewelry? Do you love it? Hate it? Just find it cheesy?
I myself am somewhere between hating it and finding it incredibly cheesy. I don't remember what TV show we were watching the other night (maybe The Office??), but one of the main female characters said something about how all women secretly hate heart-shaped jewelry. And I was like "Amen Sistah!"
C turned to me in surprise and said "What??", and I was like "I'm pretty sure most women can't stand heart-shaped jewelry, but that they wear it because men keep giving it as a present. Damn jewelry stores & their OTT marketing campaigns". And then he got all red and was quiet for a bit....and now I'm wondering if that's not what he got me (or was planning on getting me) for my upcoming birthday.
But that got me thinking - how would I react if he gave me something heart-shaped? Fab gave me a heart-shaped watch when he moved back to France and I promptly turned around and returned it for one I liked better. He was a bit hurt at the time, and I realize now I probably should've just sucked it up and worn it. But now it's ten years down the road- have I changed? Would I wear it if C gave it to me? I'm still not sure. He's into very simple things, so I guess there isn't much chance of him buying something super ostentatious or in-your-face. But either way, given my recent gaffe, I guess I'll probably never know!
Labels: Dating and Mating, Matters of the heart