Totally Frenched Out

From the blogger formerly known as Samdebretagne

Friday, October 20, 2017


There was an interesting study released recently on the inhabitants of Paris, and I thought I'd share a few facts:
  • 53% of city dwellers are Parisiennes
  • 1/3 of the city is aged between 20 & 39 (vs a national average of 24%)
  • There are 325,000 foreigners coming from 176 countries
  • People marry more in Paris than elsewhere in France 
  • 18% of marriages are for people of the same sex (vs 3% elsewhere)
  • This one surprises me since having children in this city seems to be such a pain, but Parisians have more kids than the rest of the French - 12.8 kids per 100,000 vs 11.8 in the rest of the country
  • The employment rate is slightly higher here - 77% vs 74%
  • And conversely, unemployment is lower - 7.8% vs 9.7%
  • Only 10% of the intra-muros population uses a car to get around. 
  • 29% of Parisians volunteer (vs 25% nationally)
The top three things Parisians love about their city:
  1. The pure beauty of Paris
  2. The diversity of activities
  3. The public transport
The top three activities Parisians love to do:
  1. Stroll the streets
  2. Grab a drink in a café
  3. Exercise outdoors
The top three things Parisians dislike about Paris:
  1. The cost of rent
  2. Rudeness
  3. Pollution
My feelings for Paris were definitely mixed before I moved here, but this city has been great to me and you can now count me among the 93% of Parisians who love it!
